Steve TA Roberts

Digital producer calling london
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what I do

an insight into what i do
Digital Design


I started graphic design in 2005 and have actively been involved in front end web design for over six years with a keen interest in the latest design trends.

UX/UI Design

ux/ui design

My user interfaces are generated through the development of collaborative creative designs and thoughtful ideas to enhance user experience.

Digital Production

digital production

Utilising a range of tools I have managed and maintained the development & production of projects working with an abundance of clients.


The computer is my ship and the web is my ocean
Digital Design

digital design

At first I created ads for print using Photoshop, but soon enough I became interested in HTML centring around the creation of effective media rich emails. My user interfaces are generated through the development of creative designs to enhance user experience.

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Digital Production

digital production

UXPin, Photoshop, Sequel Pro, Cyberduck, Litmus, Sublime Text 2, Usersnap, Trello, InVision, Asana, Slack, Atlassian Confluence, Basecamp, JIRA, JIRA Agile, Hip Chat, Zendesk, 10,000ft, Illustrator and InDesign are some of the tools of my trade. 

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a taste of the fruits of my labour
CD Pool

Head of Design & Site Manager, CD Pool

Responsible for managing all design projects for CD Pool and it's digital services Sixpack and Click Produce. Duties include all front end design
including banners, homeblocks, rails and icons. I designed and wrote the HTML for all weekly e-newsletters. Have designed business cards, posters, shell cladding, flyers and CD covers/onbodies using InDesign and Illustrator.


Digital Product & Project Manager, Supadü

Performing a pro-active advisory service helping clients to improve the look of their Supadü web pages and offering tips and advice through training, support & creative consulting. Currently orchestrating the various tasks adopting Agile methodology with the development/production of Supadü's
Responsive CMS and associated projects ensuring they're delivered to meet the clients expectations.

Clients I've worked with include HarperCollins, Discovery Channel, Scripps Network, Macmillan Publishing, Simon & Schuster, CBS Network, Perseus Books Group, Constable & Robinson, Scholastic Publishing, Winkworth, Carter Jonas.

Moscow Records

Freelance Web Build, Moscow Records

Moscow Records was founded in December 2009. An eastern frontier for pushing alternative sounds; the imprint provides a platform for the best-sourced international talent to flourish releasing music on exclusive limited-edition vinyl and in the digital realm which has been spearheaded this year with the creation of

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